Conversations Report

All conversations report.

This report is meant to give an overview of the traffic that is going through the chat, along with who is handling it and whether it is being well covered. Should include all engaged conversations, including ones which are still open or left unattended.

[please click image to enlarge]

Following the order from the report excerpt above:

  • Last channel type

  • Last channel id

  • Last channel name

  • Country

  • Conversation start time

  • Conversation end time

  • Last teammate assigned

  • Last assigned department

  • Initial response time within business hours

  • Initial response time all hours

  • Total subsequent time all hours (new)

  • Total subsequent time within business hours (new)

  • Total teammates participation time all hours

  • Total teammates participation time within business hours

  • Total customer messages

  • Total chatbot messages

  • Total teammate messages

  • Last teammate csat 0-100

  • Last chatbot csat 0-100

  • Last chatbot csat comment (new)

  • Conversation status

  • Sales made

  • Sales or Support

  • Language

  • Conversation URL

  • Blocked conversations

  • Customer email

  • Beta conversation score

Do you need help to interpret the report?! Do not hesitate to contact our support team 👈 or your success manager 👉

Last updated