Best practices
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of the Heyday Inbox
Close conversations after 24-hours of customer inactivity. ✔️
To close a conversation
Go to Inbox
Select inactive conversation(s)
Click the “checkmark” icon
Undo “Send CSAT”, if applicable
Select “Yes”
Leaving conversation open for more than 24-hours may affect the accuracy of reports
⭐ Star conversations and use the Priority folder for customers you'd like to follow up with.
Try to keep customers on a single channel.
☝️ If they're on Facebook Messenger and they ask you to call or email them, remind the customer that they can always contact you right on Messenger.
If applicable, set the teammates's business hours on a 30-minute delay. 🕘
This way, teammates have a bit of a buffer to handle queries from the night before or the weekend.
Last updated
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